Interested in Volunteering to Serve in the Southwest Virginia Honor Guard? 

If you would like to serve in the Southwest Virginia Honor Guard, please click on the sign up link below, order your capes, uniform, lantern, triangle, rose, and to print off the Southwest Virginia Honor Guard Brochures.   

We welcome volunteers who share our vision of honoring the nursing profession. If you are interested in getting involved, whether through volunteering your time, making a donation, or partnering with us, please contact us

Nurse Honor Guard

Purchase necessary supplies: 

​Order and purchase navy/red honor guard cape.
Order and purchase a white cap. 
Order and purchase nurse lamp to give to family or reuse.
Order and purchase a triangle.
Print off brochures for event. (Download to edit name/pronouns/photo.)
A white rose can be purchased at any floral shop or grocery store with floral department. 
A white uniform can be purchased at any uniform store (dress or top/pants). Suggested Site.

Sign up to Volunteer: 

​​​Sign up link. 

QRCode for Southwest Virginia Nurse Honor Guard Sign Up Sheet (1)